I wish I could share your optimism that an equitable application of new technologies can/will prevail. That said, I'm so glad the report received a largely negative mixed reception.

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It can seem bleak Paul, new technologies can disrupt a culture and at first will change it, but history shows that culture then changes the technology. Especially as we advance from that technology, hence we don't putter about in chariots anymore. Technology is part of human evolution. Quite simply, we cannot survive without it.

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Giles, perhaps... but what we've witnessed recently is technology changing or even undermining culture to such a profound extent that trust and equality are unattainable.

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Good points Conrad. As a digital anthropologist working at the intersection of human culture and technology, our understanding of technology is that it has always been the result of our imagination. We may have well, stolen, some technology from pre-humans like Neanderthals. So it is neither symbiotic nor parasitic. Humans cannot live without technology. It is, like culture, part of our evolutionary path. And your points about capitalism are well stated.

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